23rd J.S.S.S.C.P Congress

I attended 23rd Japan Society for Studies on Cultural Properties Congress* at Tokyo Gakugei University on June 17th to18th.

This conference consisted of 45 oral presentations (1 presentation was cancelled) on material and technique, general cultural property, conservation science, past vegetation, dating, origin identification at two meeting places. 108 poster presentations were also reported.

Refferring to Japanese archaeobotany on this blog theme, recent researches were reported at this conference in terms of charred remains with pottery, the origin of cultivated wheat, rice phytolith, genetic characterization of rice, analysis of charred rice remains.

Some were reported on new research methodology developed by analysing techniques, and I have got recent research information. In addition, I talked with many researchers and got their suggestions. Then, this conference was very meaningful for me.

*This website is just only Japanese version now.
