short note: strange materials??

I do not know about those materials. Does anyone have any ideas?

Very recently I found those materials from a stone tool (andesite) of an archaeological site (middle to late Jomon) in Japan. I do not think they are ancient starch. But what are these?

Photos (no-polarlized & polarlized): "strange materials"
scale bar = 10 μm, magnification = 400x
Copyright by ayako

E.g. Ancient starch in Japan (not identified yet)

scale bar = 10 μm, magnification = 400x
Copyright by ayako


  1. After uploading this note, some archaeologists suggested this object is its some kind of "spherulite".

    This means 'discrete arrangements of fine, usually fibrous
    crystallites arranged in a radial or concentric pattern.' (Canti 1997*)

    *M. G. Canti 1997. An Investigation of Microscopic Calcareous Spherulites from Herbivore Dungs. Journal of Archaeological Science 24: 219-231.


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