I visited the Sannai-Maruyama site in Aomori.
I wanted to visit the Sannai-Maruyama site for some time, and luckly I can get a chance to survey this site; then I managed to visit the site and look at stone artefacts.
Famously, the Sannai-Maruyama site is a Jomon settlement site about 5500 ~ 4000 years ago. Excavations since 1992 have been found revealing the characteristics of the settlement and the natural environment of the period. All discoveries helped to change the image of the Jomon culture. The site was designated a Special National Historical Site in November 2000.
Many websites about the Sannai-Maruyama site are on the net including the official website. Please search and look at "the Sannai-Maruyama site".
The aims of my first survey is to conduct a case study for my ancient starch research according to my research topic "trace to past plant food processing by ancient starch analysis". An archaeological site revealing the characteristics of the natural environment and the human continuous occupation help to search ancient starch, and moreover, we can look for "What the Jomon people used in the natural environment and what produced for themselves".
I focused on looking at many stone tools this time, and further researches are planing to conduct. But I would say "Picture is worth a thousand words". I can get much useful information from the site and the excavators.
Can I find ancient starch from the tools of the Sannai-Maruyama site? After getting the results, I will report them.
According to yesterday's news, a private organisation "Partnership for the Jomon sites in Aomori pregecture as World Heritage" was established to resistry archaeological sites in Aomori including the Sannai-Maruyama site as World Heritage.