Recent starch papers

The following paperes present their research results of ancient starch analyses.

  • Boyd, M., T. Varney, C. Surette, and J. Surette. 2008. Reassessing the northern limit of maize consumption in North America: stable isotope, plant microfossil, and trace element content of carbonized food residue. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2545–2556.
  • Horrocks, M., I. W. G. Smith, S. L. Nichol, and R. Wallace. 2008. Sediment, soil and plant microfossil analysis of Maori gardens at Anaura Bay, eastern North Island, New Zealand: comparison with descriptions made in 1769 by Captain Cook's expedition. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2446–2464.
The paper by Boyd and others contains some clear photos of starch granules, and the paper by Horrocks and others presents photos of starch granules extracted from sediments.
