Today was the first day of Science Partnership Project (SPP). In this course, participants (female high school students) conduct starch analysis in the Sannai-Maruyama site, and then they practice DNA analysis at the Hirosaki University.
In the practice of starch analysis, applicants demonstrate making modern starch references and analysing starch residues from stone artefacts, comparing starch residues with reference samples, interpretation (presentation). Today, they mainly conducted making reference samples.
Plant species for these reference samples are chestnut, walnut, Japanese millet, buckwheat, kudzu vine, and yam. Some plants could not show cross-polarized lines due to the limitted function of microscopes, but students worked hardly.
After opening ceremony, today's schedule contained short lecture "The Importances of Scientific Studies in the Sannai-Maruyama site", a practice of starch analysis, and "Gender-equal Short Lecture".
In the practice of starch analysis, applicants demonstrate making modern starch references and analysing starch residues from stone artefacts, comparing starch residues with reference samples, interpretation (presentation). Today, they mainly conducted making reference samples.
Plant species for these reference samples are chestnut, walnut, Japanese millet, buckwheat, kudzu vine, and yam. Some plants could not show cross-polarized lines due to the limitted function of microscopes, but students worked hardly.
Tomorrow, participants will demonstrate starch residue analysis. They take samples from small stones with pits and handstones in the Sannai-Maruyama site. Can they find ancient starch granules?
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