Based upon research results of starch residues from the archaeological sites, the map of "archaeological discovery of ancient starch" is now updated. I chose another design of the map.

The following papers have been publihsed until now. Because Japanese reports are just only conducted by this blogger, the list indicates papers outside Japan.

  1. Albert, R.M., R. Shahack-Gross, D. Cabanes, A. Gilboa, S. Lev-Yadun, M. Portillo, I. Sharon, E. Boaretto, W. S. 2008. Phytolith-rich layers from the Late Bronze and Iron Age at Tel Dor (Israel): mode of formation and archaeological significance. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (1): 57-75.
  2. Boyd, M., T. Varney, C. Surette, J. Surette. 2008. Reassessing the northern limit of maize consumption in North America: stable isotope, plant microfossil, and trace element content of carbonized food residue. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2545–2556.
  3. Ginovannetti, M.A., V.S. Lema, C.G. Bartoli, A. Capparelli. 2008. Starch grain characterization of Prosopis chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz and P. flexuosa DC, and the analysis of their archaeological remains in Andean South America. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (11): 2973-2985.
  4. Hardy, B.L., M. Bolus, N.J. Conard. 2008. Hammer or crescent wrench? Stone-tool form and function in the Aurignacian of southwest Germany. Journal of Human Evolution 54: 648-662.
  5. Henry, A.G., D.R. Piperno. 2008. Using plant microfossils from dental calculus to recover human diet: a case study from Tell al-Raqā'i, Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 1943-1950.
  6. Horrocks, M., S. Bulmer, R.O. Garder. 2008. Plant microfossils in prehistoric archaeological deposits from Yuku rock shelter, Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 290-301.
  7. Horrocks, M., J. Salter, J. Braggins, S. Nichol, R. Moorhouse, G. Eliott. 2008. Plant microfossil analysis of coprolites of the critically endangered kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) parrot from New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 149: 229-245.
  8. Horrocks, M., I.W.G. Smith, S.L. Nichol, R. Wallace. 2008. Sediment, soil and plant microfossil analysis of Maori gardens at Anaura Bay, eastern North Island, New Zealand: comparison with descriptions made in 1769 by Captain Cook's expedition. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2446–2464.
  9. Horrocks, M., J.A. Wozniak. 2008. Plant microfossil analysis reveals disturbed forest and a mixed-crop, dryland production system at Te Niu, Easter Island. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 126-142.
  10. Jia, P.W.M. 2008. Starch residues on ground stone implements from Luanzanggangzi: new evidence of plant exploitation in prehistoric Xinjiang, pp. 20. Department of Archaeology, the University of Sydney (unpublished work).
  11. Zarrillo, S., D.M. Pearsall, J.S. Raymond, M.A. Tisdale, D.J. Quon. 2008. Directly dated starch residues document early formative maize (Zea mays L.) in tropical Ecuador. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 105 (13): 5006-5011.
