Paper about domestication of common millet

Now, I'm reviewing recent papers on millet domestication in East Asia. The followings are a very recent research paper on millet and a note of a blog.
  • Barton, L., S.D. Newsome, F.-H. Chen, H. Wang, T.P. Guilderson, R.L. Bettinger. 2009. Agricultural origins and the isotopic identity of domestication in northern China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 106 (14): 5523-5528.
  • Crawford, G.W. 2009. Agricultural origins in North China pushed back to the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 106 (18): 7271-7272.
  • Jones, M.K., X. Liu. 2009. Origins of Agriculture in East Asia. Science 324: 730-731.
  • Liu, X., H.V. Hunt, M.K. Jones. 2009. River valleys and foothills: changing archaeological perceptions of North China's earliest farms. Antiquity 83: 82–95.
  • Lu, H., J. Zhang, K.-b. Liu, N. Wu, Y. Li, K. Zhou, M. Ye, T. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Yang, L. Shen, D. Xu, Q. Li. 2009. Earliest domestication of common millet (Panicum miliaceum) in East Asia extended to 10,000 years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 106 (18).
the archaeobotanist
