10th Meeting of Society of Kansai Jomon Cultural Studies

The 10th Meeting of Society of Kansai Jomon Cultural Studies (JAPANESE) was helded on 12th and 13th.

The theme of this conference was "Jomon settlements and local societies in Kansai area", and approaches on settlements between Late and Final Jomon in Kansai were reported as well as case studies on recent excavations in Kyoto, Nara and Wakayama Prefecture.

"Small sizes" and territory of permanent settlements in Kansai was the center of discussions, and vigorous discussions on them were conducted during the question and answer period.

I presented a poster "Plant Food Processing and Utilization in Jomon Japan upon Starch Grain Survival". Some researchers suggested me to publish my results as a paper, and I will complete this paper by the day of my PhD thesis committee.
