New books: famine plants and cobble clusters

Yesterday, I got the following books (JAPANESE) . I is useful for building modern reference collection, and 2 is helpful for my surveys about the Palaeolithic sites.
  1. Ryuichi Sago. 2012. Famine weeds: edible weeds to help starving people (Kyuko syokubutsu: Ue wo sukutta zasso tachi) . 190 pp. Zenkoku Noson Kyokai Co., Ltd, Tokyo. 
  2. Yasuo Hosaka. 2012. Comprehensive studies on stone cobble clusters in the Palaeolithic period (Nihon kyuusekki jidai no rekigun wo meguru sogoteki kenkyu). 477 pp. Rekigun Kenkyu Syuppankai, Kofu.
