I've got the following papers just today. Among them, No. 4 presents the results of residue analysis of vessels found from Hungary, and it shows starch granules extracted from these residues.
- Asmussen, B., P. McInnes. 2013. Assessing the impact of mid-to-late Holocene ENSO-driven climate change on toxic Macrozamia seed use: a 5000 year record from eastern Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 471-480. Ellwood, E.C., M.P. Scott, W.D. Lipe, R.G. Matson, J.G. Jones. 2013. Stone-boiling maize with limestone: experimental results and implications for nutrition among SE Utah preceramic groups. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 35-44.
- Hu, L., Z. Chao, M. Gu, F. Li, L. Chen, B. Liu, X. Li, Z. Huang, Y. Li, B. Xing, J. Dai. 2013. Evidence for a Neolithic Age fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system in the lower Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 72-78.
- Kim, M. 2013. Wheat in ancient Korea: a size comparison of carbonized kernels. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 517-525.
- Pető, Á., F. Gyulai, D. Pópity, Á. Kenéz. 2013. Macro- and micro-archaeobotanical study of a vessel content from a Late Neolithic structured deposition from southeastern Hungary. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 58-71.
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