Provided papers

These papers have been just provided, and so I'm showing here. Both of them show the results of starch residue analyses.
  • Onishi, T., Manabe, A., Sangawa, T., Kanegae, K. and Nakamura, N. 2012. Survey of food plant utilization based on analyses of micro remains and micro wears: focusing on Studies of Life Ways. Kagoshima Koko 42: 99-108. (Japanese)
  • Sangawa, T., Fukui, T., Onishi, T. and Kuwahata, M. 2012. A study of plant utilization in the Initial Jomon period at Oujiyama site, Miyakonojyo city (Miyazaki, Japan). Kyushu Kokogaku: Journal of the Archaeological Society of Kyushu 87: 113-125. (Japanese with English abstract)
