Excursion of Shell mounds Vol. 2

We went to see Shell Mounds in Chiba Prefecture from yesterday's afternoon.

At Sambanse in Funabashi (URL: Japanese only), we observed sea shells near the seashore.

After that, we went to Tobinodai Shell Mounds Museum (URL: Japanese only), Ubayama Shell Mounds, Soya Shell Mounds,
and Horinouchi Shell Mounds (Ichikawa Archaeological Museum) (URL: Japanese only).


Ubayama Shell Mounds

Soya Shell Mounds

Exposed shell remains

Amygdalus persica near the Soya Shell Mounds

Sambucus racemosa subsp. sieboldiana
Horinouchi Shell Mounds

A zooarchaeologist came along with us in this excursion, and so she told us how to distinct sea shells.
