The Forth High School Memorial Museum of Cultural Exchange, Ishikawa is a very pleasant and massive architecture.
Both of speakers continuously transmit Japanese archaeological researches to the world.
Koji Mizoguchi "Archaeology, Society, and Identity in Modern Japan"
He mainly talked about theoretical archaeology focusing on modern society and Japan as well as relationships between archaeological studies and them. His talk was acceptable to my heart. I heeded the followings as my keywords: identity, communication, emergent and reproductive, recent new right-wing and left-wing biases.
Katsuyuki Okamura "Considering Public Archaeology in Japan"
Based on his book "A short introduction to public archaeology" (URL: in Japanese), he mainly talked about formation processes of public archaeology in Japan, the present circumstances surrounding Japanese archaeology. For my work of a renovation museum exhibition project, I heeded the followings as my own keywords: representation making people think about -"thinking about it with each other", presentation of ignorance, sustainable archaeology.
In the discussion time after their talks, many opinions were presented by a moderator and speakers as well as other attendees. This was my first time to attend this series of seminars, but these lectures and discussions were very stimulated for me. Also I felt that all of attendees had passions for archaeologies.
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