On 7th (Sat), the symposium "Culture in Hokkaido from vegetation history: From Jomon to Ainu" were held, and a keynote lecture by Dr. Goro Yamada and other presentations overviewing historical botany and archaeology in Hokkaido were conducted. In my current research (URL: only in Japanese), my field is the Jomon period in northern Japan, and so these presentations were very helpful.
On 8th (Sun), general presentations were conducted. In the morning, I served as a chair of oral presentations. In the afternoon, during a poster session, I presented a poster as my intermediate report of the 1st survey in the project of the Integrated Studies of Rice-based Civilizations (URL: English version is under constructed).
Shibutani, A. 2015. Exploring dietary habits from starch granules trapped in human dental calculus. Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of Japanese Association of Historical Botany (Committee of the 30th Meeting of Japanese Association of Historical Botany ed.). 108. Committee of the 30th Meeting of Japanese Association of Historical Botany, Ebetsu-shi, Hokkaido.
I got many questions and advices in terms of my research perspectives by many researchers. Based on these, I will conduct the next survey.
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