It is a little bit late to report this. We visited the following museums on January 20th (Wed) and 21st (Thu).
20th (Wed) Otaru City Museum Unga-kan
(URL: just only in Japanese)
21st (Thu) Hokkaido Museum
Like the Edo-Tokyo Museum and surveys in Kyushu, we aimed to survey collection systems of historical museums in Japan. Both museums have interesting features. Especially, at the Otaru City Museum Unga-kan shows excavation materials from the Oshorodoba site (Jomon period) as its archaeological gallery.
On January 23rd (Sat), I joined in the 268 Meeting of the Oumi Kaizuka Kenkyukai (URL: in Japanese), and heard presentations about archaeological theories for Jomon pottery by graduate students. Referring to my studies, they made me to think of my future research perspectives.

(URL: just only in Japanese)
21st (Thu) Hokkaido Museum
Like the Edo-Tokyo Museum and surveys in Kyushu, we aimed to survey collection systems of historical museums in Japan. Both museums have interesting features. Especially, at the Otaru City Museum Unga-kan shows excavation materials from the Oshorodoba site (Jomon period) as its archaeological gallery.
On January 23rd (Sat), I joined in the 268 Meeting of the Oumi Kaizuka Kenkyukai (URL: in Japanese), and heard presentations about archaeological theories for Jomon pottery by graduate students. Referring to my studies, they made me to think of my future research perspectives.
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