On February 13-14th, our cooperative research project "Ethnography of Archaeology: Diversity in the Production, Consumption, and Transformation of Archaeological Knowledge" (URL: in Japanese) held the 2nd meeting at the National Museum of Japanese History, Osaka.
In this meeting, our main topic was "Re:Construction". We discussed about the following keywords: authenticity, integrity, the Venice Charter, Nara document, "Reconstruction and Re: construction".
February 13 (Sat) 13:30-18:30
Speakers: Shigeo Asakawa (Tottori University of Environmental Studies), Sahoko Aki (Jomon illustrator), and Tomo Ishimura (Independent Administrative Institution National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo)
February 14 (Sun) 10:30-16:00
Speakers: John Ertl (Project leader, Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Kanazawa University), Ayumi Terada (Intermediatheque (IMT)), and Tomo IshimuraSpeakers: Shigeo Asakawa (Tottori University of Environmental Studies), Sahoko Aki (Jomon illustrator), and Tomo Ishimura (Independent Administrative Institution National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo)
February 14 (Sun) 10:30-16:00
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