Next academic year's research perspectives

On March 2nd and 3rd, I went to Ishikawa Prefecture.

March 2 (Wed) Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Kanazawa University 

We discussed about our Rekihaku project (Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources) and the cooperative research  "Ethnography of Archaeology: Diversity in the Production, Consumption, and Transformation of Archaeological Knowledge" (URL: just only in Japanese).

Our latter cooperative research project seems to be the archaeological version of our Rekihaku project. So this meeting was a good opportunity for me to discuss about our museum works and my research perspectives.

March 3 (Thu) Mawaki Site (URL: just only in Japanese)

For my own project, I visited the Mawaki site.

The Mawaki site, Ishikawa Prefecture, is a wetland site occupied between the Early Jomon and the last stage of the Final Jomon. The site features many distinguishing earthenware and lacquerware, as well as structural remains, which include a dolphin-drive fishing site, wooden circle, and several burial pits lined with wooden planks. We saw a scenery of this year's archaeological survey.
