WAC-8: Attending and presentation

From August 28 (Sun) to September 2 (Fri), I joined in the Eighth World Archaeological Congress (WAC-8) and conducted my presentation.

Opening ceremony
Opening session


As a staff of this congress, I was very sorry that I could not attend any other sessions during WAC-8. But I enjoyed many poster presentations, Japanese Archaeology Fair, and my own session (T10-P, September 1-2).

Puzzle of Minatogawa-jin
Pottery-shaped cookie

Arashiyama in the Free tour
Free tour on August 31


On September 1 (Thu)  and 2 (Fri), we conducted a session T10-P "Multi-proxy evidence for reconstructing ancient diets and foodways". In this session, 16 researchers presented their research results.

Our session
Dr. Oliver Craig and Dr. Shin'ya Shoda

Our long session took 6 hours and 3 time slots. But these presentations showed that collaboration with the current scientific analyses can contribute to many interesting research results. We had discussion times at the end of each time slot, and many questions were provided to presenters, and so these discussions were very active.


I reported the collaboration between our Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources (URL: just only Japanese)and my own studies, and our perspectives. 

Ayako Shibutani. 2016. Starchy food in prehistoric Japan : For renovation of “Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources”.

Many participants asked me about museum studies in Japan and the possibility of research cooperation, and so they were interested in our Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources. Regarding archaeological starch studies, some researchers suggested me to collaborate with their research projects.

I spent enormous effort planning and organising our session and had to do some of this congress tasks as well. I was exhausted both mentally and physically after our session, but I spent very useful 1 week totally.

All of relevant people are acknowledged. Thank you very much.
