Report meeting

"Natural Environment in the Little Ice Age and Lives of the Ainu from the Scope of Usu in Hokkaido I"
(Research Report Meeting for JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B))

Date & hours: March 11 (Sat) in 2017, 14:00-16:00
Venue: Date Rekishi-no-Mori Culture Center, Date city, Hokkaido

*Admission free

[First Remark] Yuji Soeda (Hokkaido Museum)


1 Tomoya Aono (Date City Institute of Funkawan Culture)
2 Ayako Shibutani (National Museum of Japanese History)
3 Naoki Kohno (National Museum of Nature and Science,Tokyo)

[Panel Discussion]
Panelists: Aono, Shibutani, Kohno, Soeda
Moderator: Miyuki Shibata (Writer)
