Session of Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources at iPRES2017

iPRES 2017 is now held at Kyoto University.

National Museum of Japanese History conducted a session by Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources as one of its preliminary events on September 26.

How well do we describe historical resources for digital archives? Japan, Asia, and the World
Date & hours: September 26 (Tue): 10:30-12:00
Venue: International Science Innovation Building, Main Campus, Kyoto University Yoshida-honmachi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Speakers:John Ertl (Kanazawa University), Yoshiko Shimadzu (National Museum of Japanese History), Shigeki Moro (Hanazono University)
Moderator: Makoto Goto (National Museum of Japanese History)

Our museum project and the session theme were explained, and Moro talked about reconstruction of Kyoto city in the Edo period, Ertl presented his project about resonstructed buildings in the archaeological sites from the scope of conservation, reconstruction, and authenticity, and Shimadzu discussed about the Cultural Properties Protection Law in Japan and managements of historical resources.

During the discussion, these 3 speakers were talked about their stands and opinions, and many questions were provided by audiences.

Considering of the hall, there were 70 attendees approximately.

In addition, in the evening of 26th, Lightning talk of poster presentations was conducted. At Lightning talk, all presenters have to introduce the cores of their posters just only for 45 secondds in English. Including the outline of our morning session, I presented our poster.
