Symposium ”Life of Ainu in 17th Century”

On February 23 to 25, I went to Sapporo in Hokkaido. The reason was that I attended at a meeting of JSPS Kakenhi Research Result Report on 24th (Sat).

"Life of Ainu and Environment in 17th Century from the Scope of Archaeological Sites in Usu, Date city"
Date & hours: February 24 in 2018,13:30-15:30
Venue: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
Project leader: Yuji Soeda
Speakers: Yukihito Nagaya, Tsudumi Miyaji, Shinji Sugiyama, Koji Kobayashi
Moderator of panel discussion: Miyuki Shibata

On the day, there were about 130 attendees, and after each presentations and panel discussion, these attendees asked many questions. In terms of Sapporo as locality, and meeting theme of life of Ainu, many people had interests in this symposium, and their opinions were helpful for our research members.

Next FY2018 will be the last year of our project, we need to sum up our research. I will progress my analysis in order to identify crop plant traces.


