On May 19 (Sun), I conducted the following presentation at a session of Rice Cultivation and Chinese Civilization of the 85th Annual Meeting (FY2019) of the Japanese Archaeological Association.

Shibutani, A., Okazaki, K., Sawada, J., Miyata, Y., Gakuhari, T., Yoneda, M. 2019. Diet and Paleopathology in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze Area, China. The 85th Annual Meeting of Japanese Archaeological Association. Komazawa Campus of Komawzawa University, May 19, 2019.
Due to the short session time, we were not expand our discussion, but many people participated in this session. Thank you to all of project members and session attendees.

Shibutani, A., Okazaki, K., Sawada, J., Miyata, Y., Gakuhari, T., Yoneda, M. 2019. Diet and Paleopathology in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze Area, China. The 85th Annual Meeting of Japanese Archaeological Association. Komazawa Campus of Komawzawa University, May 19, 2019.
Due to the short session time, we were not expand our discussion, but many people participated in this session. Thank you to all of project members and session attendees.
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