YouTube lecture

Just today September 16 (Wed) 11:00 in JST, I listened to the YouTuber lecture conducted by Dr. Junko Habu (UC Berkley). Other videos of lectures are shown on her website.

Today's talk→Reexamining the Importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Dr. Habu's website→Junko Habu's Website (UC Berkley)

During this difficult COVID-19 situation, it is good for me to listen to many presentations of researchers outside of Japan without geographical difficulties.

After the lecture, there were many questions. One of them by a student having interests in Japanese archaeology was "How can English speakers collaborate works with Japanese archaeologists? (this is my understanding)". In my opinion, if you show mutual understanding and collaborations without any hesitates, we can do them easily. Foreign languages are not any barriers. They are just one of tools. 

Dr. Habu said "English as an international language is just one tool, but our mother languages deeply connect with landscape, TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge), and our identities". We will discuss more about this issue in the future, together with our research friends in the world.

Thank you very much for your exciting talk.
