International conferences in July

Since the beginning of FY2022, I have no time to update this blog. My presentations to international conferences will start from this coming July.

9th World Archaeological Conference (WAC-9): July 3-8

G18-08 session "What we can gain from analysis of masticatory system"

JST 15:00-16:00, July 8 (Fri)

Ayako Shibutani. Archaeobotanical Evidence of Dietary Variation in Dental Calculus: Case Studies of Prehistoric Hunter-gatherers in Northern Japan (ID 49)

The detail about our session is here.

Digital Humanities 2022 (DH2022): July 25-29

Electronic poster on July 28 (Thu)

Ayako Shibutani, Satoru Nakamura, Taizo Yamada, Koki Yanbe. Developing a Comprehensive Application for Digital Transformation of Historical Materials (ID110)

The programme is here.
